Micro Behaviours
Gamified workplace drama in 22 parts.

This 22-part branching drama helps learners understand how micro-behaviours (or micro-aggressions) intersect with Equality law and unconscious bias. Micro-behaviours are those tiny gestures, tone of voice, a glance or body language, ‘throw-away’ comments - that subtly affirm or reject.

Utilising the branching videos, this module will take learners on a journey to examine the more subtle behaviours that generate micro-inequities and define insider/outsider dynamics, and how this can have serious consequences for wellbeing, team working, creativity and productivity.

Through interactive storytelling, learners will explore the concepts and impacts of positive and negative micro-behaviours, where every decision they make will have a unique outcome on the branching storylines.

This immersive training follows a team of professionals working together to build a new website. As the characters clash and deadlines loom, learners are asked to select how the team leader should respond to correct team members’ (and her own) interactions and biases. The success or failure of the project will depend upon whether the learner effectively integrated these lessons and chooses the correct responses.

Client: Ciphr
Agency: Nice Media

Director: Tom Hickmore 
DoP: Ben Turley 
Camera B: Vasil Dzhagalov 
Sound Recordist: Dave Briggs 
Production Assistant: Monica Amey-Hills 
Stylist/Make-up Artist: Julia Wade 

Featuring: Melissa Collier, Raj Aich, Yennis Cheung, Emma Dennis-Edwards, David Ganly.
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