"Whisper Not" — Spec Trailer
A civil servant treads the line between grave risk and moral duty as she moves to expose high-level corruption.
Speculative film trailer created for the EditFest 2023 editing competition organised by FilmSupply. The rules of the competition required the 60-second trailer to feature a minimum of 51% stock footage and music from a pre-selected Musicbed playlist.
Original story. Colour palette inspired by Tomas Alfredson's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011).
A more in-depth review of the creative process, competition format and winners can be enjoyed here.
Competition: EditFest 2023
Organised By: FilmSupply
Trailer by: Vasil Dzhagalov & Catalina Balan
Stock Footage: FilmSupply
Music: Musicbed / AudioNetwork
Featuring: Catalina Balan
Script by: Vasil Dzhagalov & Catalina Balan